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Podcasts Suggestions - pt 3

Our topic today is going to be a few more podcast recommendations for your edification. If you noticed, a part of the PMc ministry is to recommend to our partners things that are of quality and substantial for your walk with Christ. Primarily, we would encourage you to be a member, first and foremost, of a Biblical and a healthy church where you can be in proper relationships with other Christians, discipling one another, sitting under the good preaching of the Word of God, being well nourished like a plant by the water on the edge of a river. That should be where you're getting fed on a consistent basis. Just like in regular life, we have our regular meals, but we also have supplemental things for the different seasons of life when we need an extra boost. These podcast recommendations here today would be something we consider supplemental; a way for you to add something to your normal sources of edification; the normal means of grace. Here are a few more, in no particular order, that we warmly commend to you to consider.

I) Shepherding A Child's Heart Podcast

If you're familiar with Ted Tripp, he has a wonderful book called Shepherding a Child's Heart. We highly recommend it if you're a parent. You'll get a good Biblical understanding of the God given role you play in your child's life. We have to raise our children in love and admonition of the Lord, to know him, to live for Him, to love Him, to serve Him, and to be well taught the Word of God and what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ. My wife stumbled across this podcast which was put together by Westminster Theological Seminary and it has just 12 or 13 episodes total. They took his teaching series from the book, and his audio is made available, not the book, but his teaching on these topics, and is placed in one podcast that serves only this purpose to share the contents of the book in audio format taught by the guy who wrote the book. Ted is a brilliant man, phenomenal when it comes to counseling and parenting. You have to read the book if you haven't already, but the audio is also very useful and fruitful no matter where you are on your parenting journey.

II) For The Gospel Podcast

This is a ministry that was put together by Costi Hinn, which is the nephew of the famous, or perhaps infamous Benny Hinn. He was saved out of the "Word of Faith" movement, and he has great insight, great detail into the the errors of that religion and that practice. He knows the Lord Jesus, loves the Lord Jesus, is grounded in Biblical theology. Costi has a good understanding of what it means to be a Christian, he's a good teacher, preacher, and solid man of God. He and a group of others formed this ministry - For the Gospel. We like the ministry. It's very good, because they have a number of blog articles and interviews and things of this nature as well on the podcast, which are very practical in nature. At Practical Missions Cohort, we like things that are practical. We like to make complicated things simpler so the everyday Christian can be actively serving the Lord Jesus Christ, knowing him more, making him known to more people and so on.

III) Real Christianity Podcast

This podcast we came across just recently, but I learned to appreciate this brother, Dale Partridge. I like his style when it comes to podcasting. He touches on theological issues and answers questions well. One of the things I like about the real Christianity podcast by Dale Partridge is that they also have a ministry called This ministry serves to help bring people back to the Bible. I also learned that they have a ministry in particular for Biblical house churches, Reformation Seminary. They have developed the idea of having a confessional, reformed, missional, and Biblical house churches, not just random house churches put together but with no structure or order. I think they're kind of forward thinking in this regard, because with all the change happening right now in the States, the church may need to relearn how to operate; it's possible that many of the churches will lose nonprofit status and ministries, and they may have to relearn how to live as Christians in our country.

IV) Radius International

If you follow the PMc ministry, you've heard us talk about Radius recently. We spoke of them on the PMc Podcast (Missions Incorporated) after we joined the Radius International Missiology Conference they did in June. The Radius Podcast is simply the audio from their conferences over the last few years. After the conference is finished, they go ahead and put their audio up. They share a very similar philosophy of ministry as we do, the apostolic church planting model, which we see in Scripture, and how that should should be put into practice. So if you want anything related to missions, here you can find lots of good content.

V) The Expositor Podcast

This one comes from The MacArthur Center. John MacArthur has been preaching the word doing expository preaching for over 50 years in one place, in one church. He went through every book of the New Testament, verse by verse during his ministry, as well as countless other sermons as well. He's well known as a faithful preacher of the Word of God. There may be some areas where you would disagree with him, but in any case, his approach to preaching the word we should all agree is healthy, is solid, and is good. He's a faithful preacher, and there is a lot to be learned from him. I came across this podcast recently. It's relatively new. It's beautifully done and very engaging as they teach while telling the story of this man's ministry.

VI) The Paul Tripp Podcast

The man with the beautiful mustache. I really appreciate his ministry. He's known for his good, sound, Biblical counseling. I read a few of his books and every time I read his stuff, it's very, very encouraging. He's able to help others see the heart of the matter and what the Lord is doing in our relationships. He's particularly good at helping others to see how God is working in everyday life for our sanctification, for our growth, for us to be instruments of grace in the lives of other people. He really helps his listeners to get a more healthy understanding of what the Gospel is, and how it applies to every area of our lives. I don't know if there's anyone who does it quite as good as he does. It's such a beautiful thing, actually.


VII) Vera Vita

I'll add one more here that you might be interested in, which would be if you know Italian, or you want to learn Italian, or practice Italian. We host not just the PMc podcast, but also a podcast in Italy as well. It's developing and growing, but we're now have 118 episodes. In this podcast we do short Bible exhortations, as well as a catechism where we do questions and answers. We make this available for the Italian people in our local community here that we're reaching out to. It's mostly evangelistic in nature, but it serves also as a way to expose people to the Word of God. The people here in our context have not been exposed to expository preaching. Most of them have never seen or heard of an evangelical church. Vera Vita podcast is a way for us to help them hear the Word of God unpacked, see how you actually read and study scripture, why we should be reading it, how it applies to every area of our life, and it is the word of life that we need.


Written by Jesse Schreck

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