Partner with PMc to Advance the Gospel in Italy
We warmly invite you to partner with PMc in advancing the Gospel, reaching and evangelizing the lost, making disciples, and planting churches in Italy. Below, you'll find information about giving online or by check.
Giving Options
Mail a Check
To Practical Missions Cohort, 500 Westover Dr. #10079, Sanford, NC, 27330
In the memo section, designate the name of a missionary or fund you want to support.​​
Give Online
Use the DonorBox form below to make a one-time or recurring donation today.
You can make your donation using a credit card, debit card, PayPal, or directly from your bank account.
You have the option to cover the processing fees associated with your donation.
A tax-deductible receipt will be emailed to you immediately for your records.
Donations can be designated to a specific PMc missionary or the PMc general fund.
Your donation is safe, secure, and processed instantly.
Tax Information
All donations made to PMc are tax-deductible. PMc is a 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization.
Why Partner With PMc?
PMc is a faith-based ministry that depends entirely on God's provision through the support of His people, the Church. This support, both prayerful and financial, enables us to continue laboring to spread the Gospel and plant churches in Italy.
We encourage all believers to personally engage in supporting missionaries as part of Christ's global mission. There is great joy in serving the Lord through financial partnership! Our prayer is that your partnership with us will be both joyful and rewarding.
Missionary Needs
Missionary families in Italy require a minimum of $3,500 USD per month to cover living and ministry expenses. If you'd like to become a monthly supporter or make a one-time gift, please follow the instructions above to send your donation.
Special Projects to Support
From time to time, PMc undertakes specific projects to advance our ministry efforts. We invite you and your church to visit our dedicated Current Projects page to learn more about how you can contribute to these initiatives.
Current projects include:
Recording studio equipment
Vera Vita Press
Mission Facility
The Schreck family