Job Opportunity
- Italy Administrator
At current, we are looking for a person to join the PMc Cohort in Italy in the role of Administrator. Below is a detailed, but not exhaustive, explanation of what this position entails. If you would like to discuss this in person, please contact us and we will be happy to begin a conversation with you. If after discussing the role with us in person, and you are still interested, we will then send you the application so you can apply and be prayerfully considered for the position.

Saving Faith, Christ-like character, Passion for the glory of God above all else
Minimum 1-year Bible College Certificate (approved by PMc) and/or Commitment to on-field theological and missionary training/discipleship with PMc
Love for the God of the Bible, Heart for the Lost, and Love for Christ and His Church
Computer and Technological skills
Managerial skills
Ability to raise your own support ($2,100/month for an individual or 3,000/month for a couple)
Move to Italy
Commitment to learning the Italian language and culture
Join the PMc church plant cohort
Work with limited resources
Learn to overcome Italian bureaucracy
Sacrifice, or be a living sacrifice
Suffer and endure hardship
Fight the good fight
Encounter strong spiritual opposition
Lay down your life for the Gospel of Jesus Christ
Be counted as nothing that Christ may be all
Adapt to Italian culture
Learn the Italian language
Serve the Lord’s church in a spiritually barren land
Be used by Jesus
Reach the lost
JOB TASKS INCLUDE but are not limited to:
Extended times of prayer
Oversee Social Media, websites, and field updates
Recruit Missionaries
Process missionary applications
Help new missionaries get acclimated
Facilitate logistics for Vision Trips, Interns, and Short-term Cohorts
Facilitate various aspects of outreach: gather supplies, coordinate, etc...
Manage finances and perform basic bookkeeping
Coordinate with US office staff
Create operational systems
Serve and contribute to the church plant as a member of the church and missionary band
Assist on-field director and lead church planter
Oversee all on-field administration
We offer no salary for this position. The person who fulfills this role will become a PMc missionary, therefore he/she will need to raise his/her own support.
To help the PMc mission to operate efficiently in order to recruit, involve and train more missionaries, reach more Italians with the Gospel, make more and better disciples of Jesus, and plant more churches - all to the glory of God.
Live in Italy
Live near Venice, Italy
Eat good and real Italian food daily
Get exercise naturally - people walk much more in Italy
Experience church as it was at the beginning of the church (Acts)
Make a difference where there is truly a need
See souls saved and lives transformed
Edify the church
Involve saints from the US in Jesus' global mission
Serve Jesus Christ
Glorify God