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American Gospel - Christ Alone

While sick with the flu and forced to stay in bed I finally was able to have a moment to download and watch the new documentary called, "American Gospel - Christ Alone". It not only exposes the false gospel that has plagued America, but it also proclaims with love and passion the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. SDG

I'm very grateful for this documentary and I'm making plans to purchase and give the DVD to a number of people. I have seen the damage this false gospel can do in the lives of people I love and I have had to deal with it even in Italy because, sadly, this gospel has been exported from America to all the world. I know personally pastors of a megachurch who champion this gospel and think they are actually doing the Lord a service by leading thousands of people to say "yes" to this Jesus and this gospel. The false gospel of prosperity has led millions astray, damaged the true Christian church and dishonored the name of Christ. Most people outside the church think of Christians simply as fools because they see only things like this prosperity gospel or Roman Catholicism representing Christianity...

I highly recommend that you spend the $13.00 and download the film. If you truly are born of the Spirit and Jesus is truly your Lord, you won't be disappointed! Watching this is a great way to spend an evening (or sick day in bed like in my case) and familiarize yourself with what this plague is while you capture at the same time a better glimpse of the beauty of the true Gospel of the true Jesus Christ and the God of the Bible. Here below is the trailer and some links to purchase it for yourself. God bless you.

To purchase it on Amazon follow this LINK.

To purchase it on iTunes follow this LINK.

To purchase it on Vimeo follow this LINK.

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