10-Day Updates from the mission field
A brief update with prayer requests for the Schreck family, the outreach, and Italy in general.
A brief update with prayer requests for the Schreck family, the outreach, and Italy in general.
3rd Quarter News Report on the PMc Podcast and Youtube Channel from missionaries, Jesse & Jeryvee Schreck.
3rd Quarter Newsletter from missionaries, Jesse & Jeryvee Schreck.
A special prayer request for missionary Jeryvee who is 8 months pregnant with a serious toothache that cannot be treated until after giving birth.
Our 10-Day Update from Italy to keep you involved and connected to the Lord's work in our lives and this ministry.
Included: A brief update with prayer requests, videos, photos, a blog post, a new youtube channel for Vera Vita outreach ministry, and more...
Our 10-Day Update from Italy to keep you involved and connected to the Lord's work in our lives and this ministry.
Included: A brief update, sermon link on The Christian Identification as Servant, photos, video clip from missionary mommy, new praises and prayer requests, and more...
Our 10-Day Update from Italy to keep you involved and connected to the Lord's work in our lives and this ministry.
Included: A brief update on the outreach and the family, photo, help is here, new praises and prayer requests, and more...
This update has the podcast and Youtube links so you can get a more personal report based on our 2nd quarter newsletter from the Schreck family.
2nd quarter newsletter from the Schreck family.
Today we have a brief and particular update and some ways you can join us in evangelism through daily prayer for the rest of the summer. Covid-19 restrictions have been lifted enough that we can get back out on the streets to reach the lost.
To hear more you can either listen to the details on the PMc Podcast or watch on Youtube. #pandemictimes
Today we have a brief, personal, and particular update. We would like to ask you to join us in prayer for Jeryvee, her pregnancy, and the baby girl inside her that seems to be having problems growing.
To hear more you can either listen to the details on the PMc Podcast or watch on Youtube. #pandemictimes
Thank you partner and friend!
You are the backbone of this ministry and we thank God for you.
Our 10-Day Update from Italy to keep you involved and connected to the Lord's work in our lives and this ministry.
Our 10-Day Update from Italy to keep you involved and connected to the Lord's work in our lives and this ministry.
Included: A brief update, a couple photos, new Q&A videos, new prayer requests, new voice message service via SpeakPipe, and more...
Our 10-Day Update from Italy to keep you involved and connected to the Lord's work in our lives and this ministry.
Included: A brief update, new Q&A videos, new media ministry opportunity, prayer requests, and more...
Our 10-Day Update from Italy to keep you involved and connected to the Lord's work in our lives and this ministry.
Included: new Q&A videos, Invite to Follow/Like PMc on Facebook, Youtube, and Buzzsprout (iTunes), short update and prayer requests, a new blog post by a fellow missionary, Matching Gift Opportunity
Our 10-Day Update from Italy to keep you involved and connected to the Lord's work in our lives and this ministry.
Included: 2 videos, Matching Gift Opportunity, Previous Update: 1st Quarter Newsletter, Previous Update on Podcast: 1st Quarter Newsletter
Activity from 1st Quarter Newsletter. Thank you, enjoy and God bless!
Our 10-Day Update from Italy to keep you involved and connected to the Lord's work in our lives and this ministry.
Included: Family announcement and need for prayer as we are 18 days into our quarantine, prayer requests, new Blog Post on PMc site, photos
Our 10-Day Update from Italy to keep you involved and connected to the Lord's work in our lives and this ministry.
Included: Video Update about our current Quarantine b/c of Coronavirus in our regions -- NO ONE IN OR OUT OF PROVINCE, ALL ITALY ON LOCKDOWN, EVERYONE STAY HOME, prayer requests, new Blog Post on PMc site, photos, PMc Short-term Cohort info, Italian worship, useful links, Ask a Missionary Q&A
Our 10-Day Update from Italy to keep you involved and connected to the Lord's work in our lives and this ministry.
Included: Video Update, Coronavirus in our regions, update with specific prayer requests, photos, PMc Short-term Cohort info, Italian worship, useful links, Ask a Missionary Q&A
Our 10-Day Update from Italy to keep you involved and connected to the Lord's work in our lives and this ministry.
Included: short update with specific prayer requests, photos, PMc Short-term Cohort info, Italian worship, useful links, Ask a Missionary Q&A
Our 10-Day Update from Italy to keep you involved and connected to the Lord's work in our lives and this ministry.
Included: short update with specific prayer requests, photos from recent fellowship meal, new blog post, PMc Short-term Cohort info, Italian worship, useful links, Ask a Missionary Q&A
Our 10-Day Update from Italy to keep you involved and connected to the Lord's work in our lives and this ministry.
Included: short update with specific prayer requests for upcoming group evangelism efforts in our 2 cities, photos, new blog post, PMc Short-term Cohort info, Italian worship, useful links, Ask a Missionary Q&A
Our 10-Day Update from Italy to keep you involved and connected to the Lord's work in our lives and this ministry.
Included: link to some Italian worship songs recorded at the Udine church plant, short update with specific prayer requests for our 2 cities, photos, blog post, PMc Short-term Cohort info, useful links, Ask a Missionary Q&A
4th Quarter Newsletter
As we ponder our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and His miraculous birth we are filled with awe and thanksgiving. It is no small thing that our Lord took on flesh and entered our world to save sinners. May your heart too be filled with awe as we remember Jesus' birth in these days.
She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins. - Matthew 1:21
Thank you for your partnership, love and support as we continue to evangelize, make disciples of Jesus, and plant biblical churches in Italy.
Yours in Him,
Jesse & Jeryvee and Cornelius
and all of us at PMc
Our 10-Day Update from Italy to keep you involved and connected to the Lord's work in our lives and this ministry.
Included: short update with specific prayer requests for a church plant in Udine and evangelism in Mestre, photos, blog post, PMc Short-term Cohort info, useful links, two teachings on the Holy Spirit by PMc board member, Pastor Caleb Bunch
We thank the Lord for you, and we pray God's blessings upon you as you gather for turkey with those close to your heart.
As you pray and give to PMc you are actively serving with us to evangelize the lost, make disciples and plant biblical churches in Italy. Thank you for being a part of what God is doing in and through our lives and the PMc ministry! Thank you for your kindness and generosity all these years.
God bless,
Jesse & Jeryvee and CC
and all of us at PMc
Our 10-Day Update from Italy to keep you involved and connected to the Lord's work in our lives and this ministry.
Included: video clip from Venice underwater in recent tragedy, short update with specific prayer requests, photos, new blog post, PMc Short-term Cohort info, useful links, a link to a sermon on Christian Courage by PMc board member, Caleb Bunch.
Our 10-Day Update from Italy to keep you involved and connected to the Lord's work in our lives and this ministry.
Included: short update with specific prayer requests for faithful missionaries that have now returned to the US, PMc Short-term Cohort info, useful links, a brief exhortation from Romans 12 on showing honor
Our 10-Day Update from Italy to keep you involved and connected to the Lord's work in our lives and this ministry.
Included: short update with specific prayer requests for provisions and fruit, PMc Short-term Cohort info, useful links
Our 10-Day Update from Italy to keep you involved and connected to the Lord's work in our lives and this ministry.
Included: 3rd Quarter Newsletter Video/Podcast, short update with specific prayer requests for more missionaries, PMc Short-term Cohort info, useful links
Our 10-Day Update from Italy to keep you involved and connected to the Lord's work in our lives and this ministry.
Included: 3rd Quarter Newsletter
Our 10-Day Update from Italy to keep you involved and connected to the Lord's work in our lives and this ministry.
Included: short update with specific prayer requests for nursery school, photos, new blog post on Spiritual Warfare, PMc Short-term Cohort info, useful links
Our 10-Day Update from Italy to keep you involved and connected to the Lord's work in our lives and this ministry.
Included: short update, new praises and prayer requests, photos,
Italian sermon, latest blog post, PMc Short-term Cohort info, useful links
Our 10-Day Update from Italy to keep you involved and connected to the Lord's work in our lives and this ministry.
Included: new videos, sermon, new blog post for improving your evangelism, a short update with prayer requests, PMc Vision Trip info, useful links
Our 10-Day Update from Italy to keep you involved and connected to the Lord's work in our lives and this ministry.
Included: short video update, evangelism encounter: Mr. Thou Art, PMc Vision Trip info, useful links, and an exhortation from Titus 1
Our 10-Day Update from Italy to keep you involved and connected to the Lord's work in our lives and this ministry.
Included: new photos, short update regarding a church plant w/ prayer requests, PMc Vision Trip info, useful links, and an exhortation from 2 Timothy
Our 10-Day Update from Italy to keep you involved and connected to the Lord's work in our lives and this ministry.
Included: new photos, short update w/ prayer requests, PMc Vision Trip info, useful links, new blog post, and a quote regarding ministry preparation
Our 10-Day Update from the USA this time to keep you involved and connected to the Lord's work in our lives and this ministry.
Included: 2nd Quarter Newsletter
Our 10-Day Update from the USA this time to keep you involved and connected to the Lord's work in our lives and this ministry.
Included: new photos, short update w/ prayer requests, PMc Vision Trip info, useful links, and a link to a remarkable moving exhortation from J.C. Ryle on Luke 13 with regards to repentance.
Our 10-Day Update from the USA this time to keep you involved and connected to the Lord's work in our lives and this ministry.
Included: summary of Promo Trip, photos, prayer requests, PMc Vision Trip info, useful links, and a brief exhortation from Hebrews 10 on stimulating one another to love and good deeds.
Our 10-Day Update from the USA this time to keep you involved and connected to the Lord's work in our lives and this ministry.
Included: Invite to missions event, photos, short update with prayer requests, PMc Vision Trip info, useful links, and a brief exhortation from Titus 3 on God's work of regeneration.
Our 10-Day Update from the USA this time to keep you involved and connected to the Lord's work in our lives and this ministry.
Included: Invite to missions event, short video on Roman Catholicism and the gospel, photos, short update with prayer requests, PMc Vision Trip info, useful links, and a brief exhortation from 1 Thess. 1:5b on living among others.
Our 10-Day Update from Italy to keep you involved and connected to the Lord's work in our lives and this ministry.
Included: photos, short update with prayer requests, PMc Vision Trip info, useful links, and a brief exhortation from 2 Corinthians 5 on being ambassadors of Christ.
Our 10-Day Update from Italy to keep you involved and connected to the Lord's work in our lives and this ministry.
Included: photos, short update with prayer requests, useful links, and a brief exhortation from Matthew 28 regarding the participation in the Lord's global mission.
Our 10-Day Update from Italy to keep you involved and connected to the Lord's work in our lives and this ministry.
Included: link to the newsletter in case you didn't get it yet, short update with prayer requests, useful links, and a brief exhortation from Galatians 6 on not growing tired.
Our 10-Day Update from Italy to keep you involved and connected to the Lord's work in our lives and this ministry.
Included: our first quarter newsletter from Italy
Our 10-Day Update from Italy to keep you involved and connected to the Lord's work in our lives and this ministry.
Included: Included: promo video about different avenues for involvement, short update, prayer requests, useful links, and a brief exhortation from brother Spurgeon
Our 10-Day Update from Italy to keep you involved and connected to the Lord's work in our lives and this ministry.
Included: video and photos from Mestre Carnevale last week, announcement - trip to USA scheduled for this spring/summer, prayer requests, useful links, and a brief exhortation from 1 Peter regarding the 'living hope' we have
Our 10-Day Update from Italy to keep you involved and connected to the Lord's work in our lives and this ministry.
Included: video and photos from group evangelism, short update, prayer requests, useful links, and a brief exhortation from Romans 10
Our 10-Day Update from Italy to keep you involved and connected to the Lord's work in our lives and this ministry.
Included: short update, prayer requests, Video Update, and a brief exhortation from Ephesians 6:19-20
Our 10-Day Update from Italy to keep you involved and connected to the Lord's work in our life and this ministry.
Included: Video Update, 2 prayer requests, and a brief exhortation from 2 Cor. 4:16
Our 10-Day Update from Italy to keep you involved and connected to the Lord's work in our life and this ministry.
Included: praise for recovery from flu, new prayer requests, photos, link to new PMc blog post for film - American Gospel, and a brief exhortation from Acts 21:37
Our 10-Day Update from Italy to keep you involved and connected to the Lord's work in our life and this ministry.
Included: prayer request for speedy recovery from the flu, link to new PMc blog post regarding Pope Francis, and a brief exhortation from pioneering missionary David Livingstone
Our 10-Day Update from Italy to keep you involved and connected to the Lord's work in our life and this ministry.
Included:an Italian culture moment sharing about the holiday and tradition celebrated every January 6th in Italy - Epiphany and the Good Witch...
Our 10-Day Update from Italy to keep you involved and connected to the Lord's work in our life and this ministry.
Included: Christmas greetings, the e-version of our 4th quarter newsletter
Our 10-Day Update from Italy to keep you involved and connected to the Lord's work in our life and this ministry.
Included: the e-version of our 4th quarter newsletter
Our 10-Day Update from Italy to keep you involved and connected to the Lord's work in our life and this ministry.
Included: an exhortation from a quote by Charles Spurgeon regarding evangelism, Christmas in Mestre photos, things to pray with us for, 2 new PMc blog links, new episodes on PMc Podcast, useful links, opportunities to serve, Administrator job, ESL job, a short video update
Our 10-Day Update from Italy to keep you involved and connected to the Lord's work in our life and this ministry.
Included: opportunity to give to PMc to support the enrolling and equipping of missionaries, biblical evangelism, disciple making, pastoral training, and church planting for years to come!
Our 10-Day Update from Italy to keep you involved and connected to the Lord's work in our life and this ministry.
Included: an exhortation from Romans 12:1, a short video update, photos from Thanksgiving outreach, things to pray with us for, new PMc blog links, new episodes on PMc Podcast, useful links, opportunities to serve, Administrator job, ESL job
Our 10-Day Update from Italy to keep you involved and connected to the Lord's work in our life and this ministry.
Included: quick update and things to pray with us for, PMc blog links, new episodes on PMc Podcast, useful links, opportunities to serve, Administrator job, ESL job, and an exhortation from Acts 19:21
Our 10-Day Update from Italy to keep you involved and connected to the Lord's work in our life and this ministry.
Included: quick update and things to pray with us for, PMc blog links,
new Q&A series on the PMc Podcast, useful links, opportunities to serve,
and an exhortation from Mark 6:52
Our 10-Day Update from Italy to keep you involved and connected to the Lord's work in our life and this ministry.
Included: answered prayer through a community group, new book recommendations on the PMc blog, new Q&A series on the PMc Podcast, new Prayer Requests, useful links, opportunities to serve, and an exhortation from Psalm 133:1.
3rd Quarter Newsletter from the Schreck missionary family serving in Venezia Mestre, Italy.
Our 10-Day Update from Italy to keep you involved and connected to the Lord's work in our life and this ministry.
Included: Glimpse of our recent church retreat with folks from Friuli region, Prayer Requests, useful links, opportunities to serve, and an exhortation from Hebrews 10: 24-25.
Special thank you to all our ministry partners! You prayed and you gave in order to help us reach our financial goal in order to get mobility to Jeryvee and we thank God for you. We are humbled by your love, support and participation as we continue to lay down our lives in order to evangelize the lost souls of Italy, make disciples and plant churches.
Our 10-Day Update from Italy to keep you involved and connected to the Lord's work in our life and this ministry.
Included: Status Update on #givemobilitytojeryvee, Prayer Requests, new blog post regarding the dangers of bad and abusive leadership, useful links, opportunities to serve, and an exhortation from Psalm 23
Our 10-Day Update from Italy to keep you involved and connected to the Lord's work in our life and this ministry.
Included: Italy culture and religion regarding August 15th and the ascension of Mary (more about Mary and other unbiblical practices - click photo on left), Status Update on #givemobilitytojeryvee, New Prayer Requests, and useful links.
Video, links, must-read blog posts, Status update on #givemobilitytojeryvee, brief exhortation on Christ being enough for us. Thank you and God bless you!
Please join us in praying for the provision of a cargo bike for Jeryvee so she can have mobility with the baby to be out and about in the local community. Thank you and God bless you!
10-day Update to keep you in step with the Lord's work in Italy as we evangelize, make disciples, and see the Lord form another church body!
Short update, prayer requests, 2 new blog post links, ways to serve, great quote from Thomas Brooks.
2nd Quarter Newsletter from Jesse & Jeryvee serving Jesus in Mestre Italy. Thank you for your partnership in this ministry. God bless you
10-day Update to keep you in step with the Lord's work in Italy as we evangelize, make disciples, and see the Lord form another church body!
Video footage from a very old church and a glimpse of the spiritual reality of Italy, short update, blog post links, ways to serve.
10-day Update to keep you in step with the Lord's work in Italy as we evangelize, make disciples, and see the Lord form another church body!
Short update, prayer requests, blog post links, ways to serve, brief exhortation from Mt. 6:31.
10-day Update to keep you in step with the Lord's work in Italy as we evangelize, make disciples, and see the Lord form another church body!
Short update, prayer requests, blog post links, ways to serve, brief exhortation from 2 Tim. 3:16
10-day Update to keep you in step with the Lord's work in Italy as we evangelize, make disciples, and see the Lord form another church body!
Short update, special need, prayer requests, blog post links, ways to serve, brief exhortation from 1 Thessalonians 1:9-10
10-day Update to keep you in step with the Lord's work in Italy as we evangelize, make disciples, and see the Lord form another church body!
Short update, prayer requests, blog post links, ways to serve, job offer, exhortation from Acts 15:36.
10-day Update to keep you in step with the Lord's work in Italy as we evangelize, make disciples, and see the Lord form another church body!
Job offer - Italy Administrator
10-day Update to keep you in step with the Lord's work in Italy as we evangelize, make disciples, and see the Lord form another church body!
Short update, Cornelius' B-day, prayer requests, blog post links, ways to serve, exhortation from John 16:33.
1st Quarter Newsletter from Jesse & Jeryvee serving Jesus in Mestre Italy. Thank you for your partnership in this ministry. God bless you
10-day Update to keep you in step with the Lord's work in Italy as we evangelize, make disciples, and see the Lord form another church body!
Italian Culture Shot, Nutella VIDEO, photos, prayer requests, blog post links, ways to serve, exhortation from 1 Corinthians.
10-day Update to keep you in step with the Lord's work in Italy as we evangelize, make disciples, and see the Lord form another church body!
Brief update, photos, new prayer requests, blog post links, ways to serve, exhortation from Romans 12.
10-day Update to keep you in step with the Lord's work in Italy as we evangelize, make disciples, and see the Lord form another church body!
Brief update, new prayer requests, exhortation on regeneration and the Holy Spirit.
10-day Update to keep you in step with the Lord's work in Italy as we evangelize, make disciples, and see the Lord form another church body!
Brief update, new prayer requests, exhortation from John 3.
10-day Update to keep you in step with the Lord's work in Italy as we evangelize, make disciples, and see the Lord form another church body!
VIDEO UPDATE, prayer requests, exhortation from Acts 12. Thank you for your love, participation and friendship! God bless you!
Useful information for church leaders in the US that are interested in serving Jesus' global mission, reaching the lost and experiencing the PMc ministry in Italy.
Our first update in 2018 to keep you in step with the Lord's work in Italy as we evangelize, make disciples, and see the Lord form another church body!
New Podcast Episode - Update 20, prayer requests for 2018, blog post w/ book recommendations, exhortation from 2 Thess.
God bless you as you celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May your day be filled with the Joy and Peace that Christ alone gives and may Jesus grant you the joy of knowing Him always more and more!
As this year comes to a close we at PMc want to invite you to make a donation that will help enable PMc to start the new year strong and have a greater impact for the Gospel to the Italian people of Venezia Mestre.
Our 10-day Update to keep you in step with the Lord's work in Italy as we evangelize, make disciples, and see the Lord form another church body!
A short telling of current events on the mission field in Italy: Christmas culture in Italy, 3 prayer requests and praises, exhortation from Philippians 1 about how all Christians play a role in the Lord's mission.
How can we pray for you?
Our 10-day Update to keep you in step with the Lord's work in Italy as we evangelize, make disciples, and see the Lord form another church body!
1st PMc Vision Trip photos and info, 3 prayer requests and praises, previous update links, exhortation from Acts 10
Our 10-day Update to keep you in step with the Lord's work in Italy as we evangelize, make disciples, and see the Lord form another church body!
quarterly newsletter from the Schreck family
Our 10-day Update to keep you in step with the Lord's work in Italy as we evangelize, make disciples, and see the Lord form another church body!
evangelism group forming for next week, photos, links, 3 prayer requests, exhortation from Acts 5
Reaching Italians with the Gospel is a great honor, but it requires clear vision, perseverance and long-term commitment. Those who know Italy to be a missionary field refer to it as the graveyard of missions. Very sad, but reality is less than 1% are evangelical. Catholicism dominates the land yet few live out the catholic faith anyway. Evangelicals like you and me are considered a cult. In Italy no one knows what an evangelical is.
We invite you to prayerfully consider becoming a PMc Ministry Partner to help us further spread the Gospel in Italy.
Our 10-day Update to keep you in step with the Lord's work in Italy as we evangelize, make disciples, and see the Lord form another church body!
Included in update:
video clip of Mestre piazza (town square), new church-plant website, 3 prayer requests, exhortation from Gospel of John
Our 10-day Update to keep you in step with the Lord's work in Italy as we evangelize, make disciples, and see the Lord form another church body!
Included in update:
testimony of God's faithfulness during this past year as we relocated into Mestre from Friuli to Veneto, link to new blog posts, opportunities to serve
Our 10-day Update to keep you in step with the Lord's work in Italy as we evangelize, make disciples, and see the Lord form another church body!
Included in update:
new prayer requests, opportunities to serve, exhortation from John 8
Our 10-day Update to keep you in step with the Lord's work in Italy as we evangelize, make disciples, and see the Lord form another church body!
Included in update:
song video, opportunities to serve, exhortation from James 1
Our 10-day Update to keep you in step with the Lord's work in Italy as we evangelize, make disciples, and see the Lord form another church body!
Included in update:
August VIDEO, opportunities to serve, book recommendation, exhortation from 1 Corinthians
Our 10-day Update to keep you in step with the Lord's work in Italy as we evangelize, make disciples, and see the Lord form another church body!
Included in update:
We are ok after attempted break-in (thank you so much for praying for us. we have not seen any more attempts), special prayer requests for August, Blog post and book recommendation.
Our 10-day Update to keep you in step with the Lord's work in Italy as we evangelize, make disciples, and see the Lord form another church body!
Included in update: Link to Quarterly Newsletter (photo on left), Cornelius having a laugh with Mommy and Daddy, Luisa has gotten saved.
Our latest Quarterly Newsletter from Italy while serving as missionary church planters with PMc.
Our 10-day Update to keep you in step with the Lord's work in Italy as we evangelize, make disciples in Mestre, Italy, and see the Lord form another church body!
Included in update: families to pray for, Italian worship song by Jeryvee, PMc Facebook link, podcast episode, exhortation from John 5:24.
10-Day Missions Update from Italy: We are now continuing to evangelize in Mestre, Italy, and gathering as a church body with our first local Italian!
Included in update: people to pray for, blog post, podcast episode, info about serving in Italy.
If you are a financial partner for the Schreck family we would like to advise you that starting in June 2017 they will no longer be accepting donations through the old ministry known as SMGI (Serenissima). All donations are now through PMc only.
After a great trip in the USA with family, friends and supporters we are now back in Italy in the School of Christ and at His service. Glory to God alone.
we are now in the USA sharing about God's work in Italy, rebuilding our support team and sharing of ways for God's people in the USA to join the Lord's mission in ITALY.
we are now in the USA sharing about God's work in Italy, rebuilding our support team and sharing of ways for God's people in the USA to join the Lord's mission in ITALY.
Our 10-day Update to keep you in step with the Lord's work in Italy: we are now preparing for our home-assignment trip to the USA. Hope to see you there!
Our 10-day Update to keep you in step with the Lord's work in Italy: our latest Newsletter including a video and news that PMc is now accepting donations and applications.
Our 10-day Update to keep you in step with the Lord's work in Italy: people and things to pray for, upcoming US trip, podcast episode, exhortation.
We will be on home-assignment this April/May and would like to connect with you, if possible: privately, with your small group, or with your entire church.
Will you please let us know if you are interested or feel led to help us organize something?
10-DAY QUICK UPDATE from Italy! Included: health update, new blog post, answered prayers, more people to pray for, new podcast episode.
QUICK UPDATE: 2 announcements, pray for us we are sick, new PMc podcast episode, JW's in Italy. Enjoy!
QUICK UPDATE: answer to prayer, more people to pray for, new PMc podcast episode. Enjoy!
QUICK UPDATE: wedding anniversary, first convert in Mestre city. Enjoy!
QUICK UPDATE: some answered prayers, new prayer requests, and a link to a new blog post and a BONUS FUN VIDEO showing a bit of Cornelius and our home in Italy. Enjoy!
Our first update of the new year. A link to the audio version of the End-of-year Newsletter - much more exciting! A couple prayer requests for the mission labor in Italy.
It's been an amazing year full of many blessings! Thank you for being a part of our lives and ministry in Italy. May the Lord bless you richly and shine His face upon you as you prepare to begin a new year in His grace.
Happy New Year!
Buon Anno Nuovo!
Quick Update! A couple photos of Mestre City and 3 prayer requests for these days leading up to Christmas.
Quick Update! A couple photos from Thanksgiving Outreach and a couple prayer requests.